This is the first year I've worked with the Cricket Logo microcomputer and I'm encountering some interesting problems. The crickets are actually increasing the problems quite a bit over the Mindstorms RCXs I used before so it's fortunate I'm teaching 9th grade instead of 7th. The crickets have some finicky hardware and to make things worse I've chosen to use Jackal, a finicky program, because it's the only one that provides syntax coloring for Logo. So today my class was getting the simple vehicles they had built to stay on a road course I made on white butcher paper. Four of the teams were successfully navigating the road little-by-little and three were stuck getting a single motor to turn on. So I trouble-shot with them. Here's what we did:
- send the beep command. Success? Yes
- send a, on. Success? No
- maybe the batteries are dying, not strong enough to power the motor, so change them. Success? No
- send it b, on for the second motor. Success? Yes, hah!
- maybe it's the actual motor, so switch it for another. Success? No
- maybe it's the wires connecting the motor to a, so switch the 9 volt adapters, try a, on Success? YES!
- try b, on. Success? No!
- So the wire or circuit board on the 9 volt adapter is bad