I've started making buildings with code and found the most confusing thing getting started was knowing where the building would materialize when I run the program. It turns out cardinal directions are important, as the X, Y, and Z axes are fixed in the world, with the X axis running west (negative) to east (positive), Y down (negative) to up (positive), and Z running north (negative) to south (positive). Wherever you're standing (or flying) is the x, y, z coordinate 0, 0, 0. If you don't want to be stuck inside the block you place with code you will want to place it away from where you are standing. So if you face the rising sun in the east and run this, the stone block will appear right in front of you:
pos = mc.player.getPos()
What's hard to remember until you do it a bunch is no matter which way you are facing it will appear between you and the eastern sun.

Wool blocks are fun to use for building because they come in a variety of colors. But the colors are coded with ID numbers, so this graphic helps with that:

A yellow wool block:
So here's a house.

Source code:
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
import time
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create("localhost", 4711)
pos = mc.player.getPos()
def wood_building():
mc.player.setPos(pos.x+5,pos.y,pos.z-2) #this will move you back so you're not trapped
#right wall
for num in range(2):
mc.setBlocks(pos.x, pos.y+num, pos.z, pos.x, pos.y+num, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
for num in range(3,8):
mc.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y+1, pos.z+num, block.GLASS_PANE.id)
#left wall
for num in range(2):
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+10, pos.y+num, pos.z, pos.x+10, pos.y+num, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
for num in range(3,8):
mc.setBlock(pos.x+10, pos.y+1, pos.z+num, block.GLASS_PANE.id)
for col in range(11):
if col < 5:
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+col+2, pos.z-1,pos.x+col, pos.y+col+2, pos.z+11, block.STAIRS_WOOD.id,0)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z,pos.x+col, pos.y+1+col, pos.z, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z+10,pos.x+col, pos.y+1+col, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
elif col == 5:
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+col+1, pos.z-1,pos.x+col, pos.y+col+1, pos.z+11, block.GLASS.id)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z,pos.x+col, pos.y+1+col, pos.z, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z+10,pos.x+col, pos.y+1+col, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+12-col, pos.z-1,pos.x+col, pos.y+12-col, pos.z+11, block.STAIRS_WOOD.id,1)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z+10,pos.x+col, pos.y+11-col, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+col, pos.y+1, pos.z,pos.x+col, pos.y+11-col, pos.z, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
#front wall
for num in range(2):
mc.setBlocks(pos.x, pos.y+num, pos.z, pos.x+10, pos.y+num, pos.z, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
mc.setBlock(pos.x+3, pos.y+1, pos.z, block.GLASS_PANE.id)
mc.setBlock(pos.x+7, pos.y+1, pos.z, block.GLASS_PANE.id)
#back wall
for num in range(2):
mc.setBlocks(pos.x, pos.y+num, pos.z+10, pos.x+10, pos.y+num, pos.z+10, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
for num in range(3,8):
mc.setBlock(pos.x+num, pos.y+1, pos.z+10, block.GLASS_PANE.id)
#door frame
mc.setBlocks(pos.x+5, pos.y, pos.z, pos.x+5, pos.y+1, pos.z, block.AIR.id)
for col in range(11):
for row in range(11):
mc.setBlock(pos.x+row, pos.y-1, pos.z+col, block.WOOD_PLANKS.id)
1 comment :
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